Telemedicine Increasing While Decreasing Healthcare Costs


According to the American Telemedicine Association, 10 million Americans directly benefited from telemedicine services between 2012 and 2013. Employers of all sizes have begun contracting with telehealth providers to cut medical costs and provide workers with 24-hour access to doctors and other medical professionals.

This growth has much to do with the Affordable Care Act which is able to connect patients to physicians despite a doctor shortage. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, by 2020 the United States will have 91,500 fewer doctors than needed. Telehealth providers say they make up for the shortfall and say patients on average $71 per visit.

“It’s going to be just like urgent care was in the U.S.—it’s now completely acceptable,” MDLive CEO Randy Parker says. “Within the next few years, no consumer will even remember not being able to connect to their providers through telehealth.”

Colds, cuts and sprains are the most common conditions treated under telecare services. At, we take it a step further. Patients upload their digital images such as an MRI or CT scan and our U.S. trained specialists and subspecialists read those images and give their expert opinion.

Patients receive a report within as quickly as an hour. There are no appointments necessary. Our expert doctors are available 24/7/365 to anyone anywhere in the world. Prices start at 19.95 up to $99. is a telemedicine pioneer bringing quality medical care to patients across the globe and delivering the peace of mind patients deserve.

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