Monthly Archives: August 2022

Celiac Disease


Celiac Disease happens when the ingestion of gluten damages the small intestine. If this disease is not treated it could lead to type 1 diabetes and sclerosis and can also cause infertility and dermatitis. The only treatment for celiac disease is to have a gluten-free diet. You should avoid eating foods such as grains, certain meats, food seasonings, and beverages.

Symptoms of Celiac Disease include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Nausea

If you have any of these symptoms you can schedule a consultation with an online doctor at, for your peace of mind.



Pancreatitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the pancreas, a large gland located behind the stomach in the upper abdomen next to the small intestine.

The pancreas has two main functions; producing enzymes that help to digest food in your small intestine and releasing hormones in your blood to help regulate the way your body processes glucose (sugar) for energy.

There are two types of pancreatitis; acute & chronic. Acute Pancreatitis is a sudden inflammation and usually lasts for several days and Chronic Pancreatitis is a long lasting inflammation which usually happens after having an episode of acute pancreatitis and continues for years. With proper treatment, most people with acute pancreatitis completely recover. However, chronic pancreatitis can be life-threatening and can harm vital organs.

Both types of pancreatitis can be caused by alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking, gallstones, diabetes, infections, obesity, & certain medications, just to name a few. The symptoms include tenderness or pain in the upper abdomen, fever, diarrhea & weight loss, nausea or vomiting, and a constant, radiating pain in your upper abdomen to your back.

Depending on the type of pancreatitis and severity of the disease, treatments range from antibiotics or pain medication, IV fluid therapy, & nutrition (low-fat diet or fasting in severe cases) to several different types of surgeries.

If you would like a second opinion from one of our many doctors online or if you feel that you’ve been misdiagnosed, please visit and our online doctors will give you a detailed & thorough second opinion based on the medical documentation you provide.

Hidradenitis Suppurative


Hidradenitis Suppurative, or HS, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes painful, small lumps under the skin, usually where the skin rubs together; underarms, groin, inner thigh, or buttocks.

HS usually begins after puberty and is more common in females, than males. Although there is no known cure, there are treatments, such as medications & surgery to control the disease and prevent complications.

Genetics, hormones, obesity, smoking, & tight clothing all contribute to the hair follicles being inflamed or blocked, which causes HS.

If you think you have Hidradenitis Suppurative and would like a second opinion with one of our many doctors online, please reach out to and the doctors online now will have your second opinion report in 24-48 hours.