State Licensing Barrier for Doctors Who Practice Telemedicine


Telemedicine is expected to surge as millions of Americans become insured under the Affordable Care Act. As many as 10 million people already rely on Telemedicine most for teleconferencing with their doctor, according to the American Telemedicine Association.

Many states are starting to include telemedicine in their Medicaid programs and requiring private insurers to pay for it. But medical licensing remains a barrier for doctors and hospitals.

States argue easing licensing requirements could jeopardize patient safety. While telemedicine proponents say states should recognize other state licenses because doctors take standardized national exams and most requirements are set up by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

There are least 5 bills before Congress that have to do with creating telemedicine legislation. In April, the Federation of State Medical Boards will meet to consider an interstate medical licensure compact that would expedite licensing of doctors who want to practice across state borders.

U.S. telemedicine spending is expected to grow from $240 million this year to $2.2 billion in 2018 mostly in remote monitoring of patients with heart and lung diseases to detect problems early enough to prevent them from being sent back to the hospital.

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