Monthly Archives: August 2020



Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder where brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness. Not all people who appear to have seizures have epilepsy which is characterized by a tendency for recurrent seizures. Non-epileptic seizures (called pseudoseizures) are not accompanied by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and may be caused by psychological issues or stress. Some seizure signs and symptoms may include temporary confusion, a staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of consciousness or awareness, and/or psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety, or deja vu.

Doctors use brain scans and other tests to diagnose epilepsy. Some tests include Computed Tomography (CT) of the Head, EEG (Electroencephalogram), Magnetic Resonance, Functional (fMRI) of the brain, and/or Pharmacogenetic Tests. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis, contact us at for your peace of mind.

Deep Vein Thrombosis


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs; although, they can occur in the arm or other veins. DVT can cause pain or swelling in the affected limb but can occur with
no symptoms at all. DVT blood clots are more common in women who are pregnant or taking birth control or other hormonal drugs, overweight people, people with cancer or autoimmune disorders, or anyone with a family history of DVT. Measures to prevent deep vein thrombosis include: avoid sitting still, especially after recovering from surgery or have been on bed rest; make lifestyle changes by losing weight and/or quit smoking if needed; and exercising since regular exercise lowers the risk of blood clots, which is especially important for people who sit a lot or travel frequently. If you would like to find out more and receive a second opinion regarding your diagnosis and treatment, please contact us at



A lot take this lightly, and that is a mistake. Depression can be very severe. Every human has a different mental state, and some are not so lucky. Major Depressive Disorder aka MDD is Caused by genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Symptoms include feelings of
sadness, low self-esteem, and hopelessness. Medicines and therapy can help overcome the condition. This disorder is a life-threatening disorder that may also cause suicidal thoughts or self-harm. Depression can really take a toll on someone and make them do things they
normally wouldn’t do because they are not in the right state of mind. A misdiagnosis of depression leads to a worsened condition. In worsened cases the effects of depression can be:

  • Psychosis
  • Addiction
  • Changes in brain structure and function.
  • Deficits in thinking and motor skills.
  • Increased distractibility.

If the prescriptions are not making a difference or you start to feel worse, you may need
a second opinion to receive better treatment options.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), is a mental condition where people are drawn compulsively to do the same activity over and over again as a way to ease the stress of unwanted, repetitive thoughts and fears. These obsessions and compulsions interfere significantly with daily life and can take the form around themes such as germs or contamination, doubting and having difficulty tolerating uncertainty, needing things orderly and symmetrical, aggressive or horrific thoughts about losing control and harming yourself or others, or aggression, sexual or religious subjects.

OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. It is then through the use of compulsive action or behavior that people try to mitigate or alleviate their stress and anxiety by performing certain actions repeatedly. These repetitive behaviors or mental acts are meant to reduce anxiety related to your obsessions or prevent something bad from happening. However, engaging in the compulsions brings no pleasure and may offer only a temporary relief from anxiety.

OCD is a complicated mental health condition and can require medical assistance to be properly treated through therapy. If you or a loved one suffer from any of the conditions above, it is recommended to speak to a doctor to understand if you have been properly diagnosed, or if there is a different course of action you should be taking. can provide peace of mind in minutes as you can promptly speak to an American Board Certified doctor, 24/7.
