Telehealth Growing by Leaps and Bounds


Cutting health care costs has become a major initiative for governments across the world. And that worldwide mission is driving providers to adopt telehealth as a long term cost saving measure.
A new report from InMedica, defines telehealth as remote patient monitoring (RPM) and predicts 1.8 million patients will be using this service worldwide by 2017. Currently the number of patients being monitored remotely is 308,000.
Another recent study by research firm Berg Insight had even higher projections for telemedicine worldwide. Berg forecasts some 9.4 million people will be monitored remotely by 2017.
Telehealth is a way of reducing hospital readmission penalties for healthcare providers as part of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Other governments including France, China and the United Kingdom are also adopting these monitoring systems to cut costs.
The InMedica report found that the majority of Americans monitored remotely were released from hospitals in 2012 with chronic conditions such as diabetes and various heart conditions. Regularly checking in on these patients at home, reminding them to take their medications or visit their doctor has proven to cut their healthcare costs. is right in step with this telehealth parade. We provide second opinions on medical imaging at an affordable price for people all over the world.
Patients simply upload their images such as an MRI or CAT scan and our board certified fellowship trained expert radiologists will read your images and provide their advanced second opinion. You can also speak with an expert physician in any specialty via telephone or video chat. What’s amazing is you can get your report back within as quickly as an hour.
Our services cost from $29 to $99 per report. No appointments necessary. You can receive your report second opinion in the comfort of your own home or office. is helping cut healthcare costs without cutting quality. Try it out for yourself and get the peace of mind you deserve!

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