Actress Angelina Jolie has a Double Mastectomy


She has been known to kick butt and fend off attackers as “Lara Croft” in her popular movie series. Now actress Angelina Jolie has revealed her real life attack against cancer.
Earlier this year, Jolie had a preventive double mastectomy and just recently shared the news with the world. Her partner, actor Brad Pitt called her and others dealing with cancer, “heroic.”
Jolie’s mother, actress and producer Marcheline Bertrand, died of ovarian cancer in 2007. After being tested, Jolie learned she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are known as tumor suppressors. Women who carry these genes have a significant risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Jolie decided to take preventive measures and remove both breasts in order to decrease her risks of developing cancer. She said this move was right for her and her family and wanted to let the world know in an effort to help other women going through the same difficult decision.
Jolie is being praised for her decision to speak out which serves as a reminder for women to know their family history and to have a simple blood test to determine if they are at risk.
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