Thyroid Eye Disease


Thyroid Eye Disease, or TED, is an autoimmune eye disorder that causes swelling and damage to the muscles & other tissues surrounding the eye and is often associated with thyroid and Graves disease.

There are 2 phases of TED: active & stable. The active, or inflammatory, phase can last for up to 3 years, followed by the stable phase which occurs when the swelling has subsided.

TED affects women more often than men & usually occurs around middle age. People with thyroid disease, Graves disease, family history of thyroid issues, & people with low levels of selenium in their blood are more likely to experience Thyroid Eye Disease.

Symptoms of TED range from dry, itchy, red, watery, or gritty feeling eyes, & bulging eyes to double vision, pain behind the eyes, painful eye movements, difficulty closing, & possibly vision loss.

As with the symptoms for Thyroid Eye Disease, the treatments range, as well, depending upon phase & severity. Treatments include lifestyle changes, over-the-counter medication such as selenium supplements & eye drops, & prescription medications to surgery & radiation.

If you or a loved one think you have TED or would like a second opinion, please reach out to the many doctors online now at for peace of mind.