Tag Archives: healthcare costs

SecondOpinions.com is Giving Consumers More Control Over their Healthcare and its Costs.


Michael Yuz, MD, MBA, Founder and CEO of SecondOpinions.com, a division of USARAD Holdings, Inc., notes during a recent interview, “U.S. healthcare spending is out of control. This is despite many efforts to resolve the problem, including the Affordable Care Act.” Dr. Yuz continued by pointing out, “Billions of dollars continue to be spent on antiquated, inefficient health practices and misdiagnoses.” SecondOpinions.com’s segment will air on Bloomberg International at 7:30am GMT (as pd. prog) on November 23, 2014. Check your local listings for airtimes.

In response to a question concerning how to address this growing problem, Dr. Yuz replied, “SecondOpinions.com serves to provide a comprehensive solution to many healthcare issues in the U.S. and globally. We connect consumers with top physicians in all medical specialties and partner with both medical centers and insurance companies.”

Lorna Backhaus, Chief Business Development Officer of SecondOpinions.com, adds, “Active consumerism is now a major element of receiving proper healthcare. Giving access to proven and accepted second opinion services is providing consumers with significant control.”

SecondOpinions.com serves as a global telemedicine and teleradiology platform to provide medical consultation and second opinion services in all areas of medicine. Customers from over 40 countries have received second opinions from its U.S. based physicians. SecondOpinion.com’s unique approach has been featured on more than 50 television stations and in major U.S. markets from Los Angeles to Chicago to Washington, DC.

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Yuz summarized his company’s services by pointing out, “SecondOpinions.com has a seasoned and talented management team committed to providing solutions to improve health outcomes and reduce medical costs. We achieve that with highly trained physicians who utilize our revolutionary telemedicine approach, use of unique ideas, innovative technology, and intellectual property that includes multiple registered trademarks and patents.” To learn more about SecondOpinions.com tune in to Bloomberg International (as pd. prog) on November 23, 2014. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Noting the significance of the SecondOpinions.com offerings, J.L. Haber, Vice President of Programming for Corporate Review, observes, “Healthcare costs are a major concern to many Americans and businesses. Innovative solutions such as those offered by SecondOpinions.com are a major part of what our viewers tune in to be kept abreast of.”

About Corporate Review

Corporate Review is an award winning business and health program that is independently produced by MMP (USA), Inc. The show provides its viewers an in depth opportunity to find solutions to the industry problems from some of the top business leaders from across the world. With more than 5,000 companies participating on over 500 shows, Corporate Review continues to be the premier and targeted outlet for the latest business and health stories. Corporate Review airs on cable networks to over 100 million potential television households.