Second Opinions Holiday Newsletter



Second Opinions wants to wish you all the Happy Holidays!  We are issuing a combination holiday newsletter this month.  As the year comes to a close, we know you are busy with Holiday plans and preparations.  Studies show Americans typically put off doctor’s visits until after the holidays.  We know health issues don’t wait for holidays to come to a close, so if you are dealing with a new diagnosis, potential surgery, medical legal case or even interested in Medical Tourism, we just want to remind you that Second Opinions operates 24/7/365.

December doesn’t just mark the end of another year.  December is AIDS Awareness Month reminding you to be proactive in getting tested, use this locator to find a testing site near you.


December is also National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month  In an average year, 30 million Americans drive drunk, and 10 million Americans drive impaired by illicit drugs.


Instances of impaired driving increase significantly during this time of year.  Making it an appropriate month for this awareness.  Many towing companies and taxi companies have campaigns to offer you a safe ride home if you are under the influence.  Check out this resource to find a safe alternative to driving under the influence.

Please make this a safe holiday season for your family and friends!

Teleradiology in the news:

USARAD is the Teleradiology portion of Second Opinion Services.  We have been mentioned in several feature articles recently.

Read comments from our CEO Dr Michael Yuz about Teleradiology:

The future of Teleradiology, several articles mention USARAD as a top teleradiology provider internationally:

As a special thank you, we are offering this exclusive coupon to our subscribers:


Second Opinions will be issuing a special year in review edition of our Newsletter.  Thank you for subscribing to the Second Opinions newsletter!

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Second Opinions provides Second Opinions from American Board Certified doctors in the United States for Every specialty. Receive a Second Opinion Consultation via phone or video, have your medical files reviewed or submit specific questions and receive a report from one of our Specialists. Second Opinions give you a peace of mind by offering an unbiased second opinion on your diagnosis or medical condition treatment plan.