Second Opinion Brings Good News for Chargers Malcom Floyd


A second opinion for San Diego Chargers Wide Receiver Malcom Floyd revealed that his knee is sprained. Floyd and his coaches worried he may have torn his ACL a much more complicated injury that could have benched him for the season.

Because there is no structural damage returning to the field depends on how Floyd feels. The Chargers plan to be without their #1 receiver for the rest of the preseason. They are making sure he doesn’t overdo it so he’ll be healthy and ready to perform when the season begins.

Knee sprains are the most common type of sprain. Typically, if you have a lot of pain and swelling it means your sprain is more severe.  However, in most cases sprains can be treated at home if you follow the R.I.C.E. method – Rest, Ice, Compress (with a bandage) and Elevate.

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to have knee and other joint pain. If you want to make sure you have the proper diagnosis, can help.

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