Patients increasingly using the internet to self-diagnose or get a second opinion.


 An increasing number of Australians are going online to look up medical and health information. Patients are a third more likely to seek a second opinion online than they were 4 years ago.  Since October, 2010 Australians looking for a second opinion or medical advice online has risen to 17.7%


Michele Levine, CEO, Roy Morgan Research, says:

“Medical practitioners need to be aware that more than 1/6th of patients today are seeking out medical information and second opinions online – and the number is growing fast.”

“It is becoming increasingly efficient to get a second opinion to a diagnosis via telemedicine as more and more services cater to patients seeking an opinion of a specialist that they may not necessarily be able to commute to. Patients can now have their studies looked over from the comfort of their own home and by specialists in all practices, across the world.”

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Second Opinions provides Second Opinions from American Board Certified doctors in the United States for Every specialty. Receive a Second Opinion Consultation via phone or video, have your medical files reviewed or submit specific questions and receive a report from one of our Specialists. Second Opinions give you a peace of mind by offering an unbiased second opinion on your diagnosis or medical condition treatment plan.