Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive movement disorder. It is a fairly common disorder with more than 200,000 cases reported each year in the US. It is also more common in those 60 and older and affects men more often than women.

Parkinson’s disease can last several years or be lifelong, it can be dangerous and even life threatening. Family history may increase likelihood of being diagnosed with the disease.

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Tremors, trembling of hands, arms, legs, jaw and face
  • Stiffness of the arms, legs and trunk
  • Slowness of movement
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Speech difficulty

Though there currently isn’t a cure for Parkinson’s disease medications may help control symptoms and in some cases surgery may be recommended. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and you would like a second opinion please visit for your peace of mind.