Overcoming Legal Roadblocks for Telemedicine


Just 60 years ago, house calls for doctors were common. If your child was sick you could call the doctor and he would show up in a couple hours with his black bag. While times have changed, what’s old is new again with the increasing acceptance of telemedicine. Instead of the doctor arriving on your doorstep now you might speak with him on video chat.

Transparency Market Research Published a new Market Report “Teleradiology Market (X-ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI and Nuclear Imaging) – that valued the U.S. global teleradiology market at $92 million. By 2019 it’s expected to reach $3.78 billion.

Telemedicine is medical service provided without the physical presence of a physician. It also has various legal definitions. In some states, the legal definition includes phone consultations, while in other states the definition is limited to consultations via the Internet. One of the biggest legal obstacles regarding telemedicine right now is the need for doctors to be licensed in the state in which they practice medicine.

These legal matters are currently being discussed by healthcare professionals and legislators in an effort to create universal guidelines as telemedicine becomes standard practice across the globe. With telemedicine and teleradiology, the doctor and patient communicate in real time. You don’t have to set up an appointment or deal with different time zones. And those people who live in rural communities benefit the most by having access to quality healthcare.

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