Imaging Technique Diagnoses Common Heart Condition


February is Heart Month. It’s always a good reminder to keep your heart healthy by eating right and exercising regularly. Heart disease remains the number one killer of Americans. A new imaging technique is helping to recognize a certain heart condition so that patients can get the treatment they need sooner.

Northwestern’s Medical Team found that the 4D flow MRI measures blood flow in the heart and vessels and can diagnose bicuspid aortic valve. This was the first time it was discovered that there is a relationship between heart valve abnormalities and aortic disease. This type of imaging may lead to better prediction of complications.

At we use the latest technology to read your digital images, MRI, CT scans, etc. Our U.S. trained board certified physicians are available 24/7/365 to read your images and provide you with their expert opinion. We believe a proper diagnosis is critical to creating the best treatment plan.

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