

A migraine is a severe pulsating or throbbing headache that can last for hours or days, and causes sound & light sensitivity and vomiting. It is often located on one side of the head.

Migraines can start at any age, but typically start in adolescence and affect women 3 times more than men. There are four stages to migraines: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome, although not everyone goes through all stages. About one third of the people affected by migraines experience auras, or visual disturbances, such as flashes of light, bright spots, or temporary vision loss.

Although most migraines go untreated & undiagnosed, you should see a doctor immediately if you have one after a head injury, a severe one like a thunderclap, experience stiffness in your neck, fever, weakness or numbness in your body, double vision, & seizures or if it worsens after a cough, with exertion, or sudden movement. If you experience any of these symptoms an MRI or CT can help a doctor diagnose it.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraines, but there are pain relieving & preventative medications.

If you’re experiencing migraines & would like a second opinion, we have doctors online now to help you.