

Migraine is a medical condition that involves severe, recurring headaches and other symptoms. A migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities. There are 2 types: episodic and chronic migraine. Episodic is when you have 14 or fewer migraine days per month while chronic migraine is when you have 15 or more severe headache days per month. Anyone can develop migraine, but it is more common in people with any of the following: depression, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, an overactive bladder, sleep disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and/or anxiety. If you would like to find out more and receive a second opinion regarding your diagnosis and treatment, please contact us at secondopinions.com, for your peace of mind.