International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month


A baby can be very vulnerable, especially one in the womb. If steps to prevent an infection are not taken, the baby can become seriously affected. There are many infections that can cause serious health problems to babies in the womb, some of them are cytomegalovirus (CMV), Group B Strep, zika, and listeriosis. Some of these infections can lead to miscarriages, life-threatening infections to the newborn, still-birth, and other serious problems such as hearing loss.

About 1 in 200 babies are born with CMV, which is usually passed from the carrier to others through body fluids, such as saliva and urine. The best way for a pregnant woman to prevent CMV is by not sharing food and utensils and avoid contact with infants and young children. Another infection that affects babies is Group B Strep. In the United States 1 in 4 women carry this bacteria. If you’re pregnant it is important to get tested to see if you have Group B Strep. Listeriosis is also a prenatal infection, which is caused by eating contaminated food with a bacteria called Listeria. You can prevent by not eating raw unpasteurized milk, raw or lightly cooked sprouts, among many other types of foods and the ways they are cooked. Zika is a virus that can be passed on to the baby during pregnancy or near time of birth. Zika can be prevented by avoiding mosquito bites, not traveling to where Zika is present, and protect self if you have a partner that has traveled or lives in an area where Zika is present.

If you have been diagnosed with an infection and would like help, visit to see if you are taking the necessary steps to have a healthy baby.