Increased Workload for Radiologists


If you’ve been fortunate enough to keep a job over the past few years, you’re probably doing the work of two or three employees. Increased workload has become a common practice in the American workplace. With less staff and resources the “lucky” people who’ve kept their jobs have been forced to do more work.
It may be a fact of life in our society today, but there are jobs that are at a greater risk of being negatively impacted by increased workloads. For instance, would you want a radiologist who’s interpreting the results of potentially life threatening medical scans to be overworked? It’s not likely. But that’s exactly what’s happening today according to a recent editorial published in the Applied Radiology journal.
The role of radiologists has grown significantly for a number of reasons:
Growing number of patients
An aging and generally sicker population
Greater paranoia about malpractice claims
The reasons may seem less significant when you think about the problems that can occur when radiologists have increased workloads. The interpretation quality and accuracy of medical scan reading can be negatively impacted. But there is a solution – implementing second reads or second opinions on a routine basis. provides patients with a quick and easy way to have a medical scan interpreted by a board certified fellowship trained physician or sub-specialist expert.
Patients simply upload their images such as an MRI or CAT scan and our expert radiologists will read your images and provide their advanced second opinion. You can also speak with an expert physician in any specialty via telephone or video chat.
Our services cost from $29 to $99 per report. No appointments necessary. You can receive your second opinion report in the comfort of your own home or office. Quality, affordability and convenience – your health is our greatest concern at

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