I was diagnosed with Lupus, I am nervous – Can I get a second opinion?


Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake, which eventually damages many parts of your body. The symptoms you might experience include malar rash, extreme fatigue, joint swelling, and fever. Lupus is most common in women between the ages of 15 and 44.

Recently, Hollywood celebrities, like Selena Gomez, have confirmed that they suffer from Lupus. While hard to communicate to their fans that they suffer from an autoimmune disease, this has highlighted and made sure that many people learn about the disease. Most importantly, they continue working hard and living their life with the disease, which provides a great example to many people that have been recently diagnosed.

The treatment plans and medicine will help you prevent or treat flares, prevent or reduce organ and joint damage, reduce swelling and pain, help the immune system, and balance hormones. If you leave it untreated you can suffer serious health risks, such as kidney disease or cardiovascular disease.

For many recently diagnosed patients, it is important and recommended to get a second opinion. For some patients, the diagnosis is correct, but they learn more about their disease and how to live with it. Unfortunately, many people have misconceptions about the disease. They believe lupus is contagious or a type of cancer. Neither of these are true, as lupus is not contagious and not related to cancer. A second opinion can help you get the answers you need, and help you get educated about your disease and how to live your life with it.

If you would like to get a second opinion on how your lupus is being managed, you should visit SecondOpinions.com. The relationship between a patient and a doctor needs to be as clear as possible, and a second opinion can help with that too!