Group B Strep Throat (GBS)


About 1 in 4 pregnant women carry Group B Strep Throat (GBS), which is the leading cause to newborns suffering from sepsis and meningitis. GBS is not seen as a big deal but for those who are infected the effects can be devastating, it can lead to miscarriages, stillborn,
premature births, sickness, or death.

GBS can present before birth, through the first week after birth, or through several months after birth. If its an early onset the symptoms will be fever, difficulty feeding, and lethargy. If it’s late onset the disease includes the same as early on set, along with difficulty breathing and irritability. If you carry the disease you might not present signs or symptoms.To prevent GBS from spreading to your infant during labor the doctors will give you antibiotics during labor.

If you or someone you know carries GBS and would like a second opinion on what the best steps to take are please contact us at, for your baby’s health, your health, and for your peace of mind.