Famous Pilot on New Mission Against Medical Errors


Remember Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who safely landed a jet on the Hudson River back in 2009? Well now he’s on a new mission to reduce medical errors in the United States.

Sullenberger has become a sort of medical expert since the Miracle on the Hudson and wants the healthcare industry to adopt pilot-like safety checklists for the healthcare industry. It’s estimated up to 200,000 people a year die from medical errors.

The so-called Miracle Pilot says patients die needlessly every day and there’s hardly anything heard about it. If thousands died in a place crash according to Sullenberger, planes would be grounded, airports closed and investigations launched.

In a recent “Politico” report, Sullenberger said the aviation industry and relevant government agencies have been successful in minimizing death by human error. He suggested death by medical error is strikingly common. It’s not always a bad apple but a faulty system that’s to blame.

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