Even Good Doctors Make Mistakes


Obtaining a proper diagnosis is not as easy it seems. A new study suggests doctors make the wrong diagnosis in 10-15% of office visits. And don’t think these involve rare diseases. The study conducted by the Houston Veterans Affairs Center found common conditions like pneumonia, urinary-tract infections, congestive heart failure and cancer.

A misdiagnosis can drive up medical costs, cause unnecessary procedures and death. Oh and misdiagnoses occur twice as often in doctors’ offices than in hospitals.

According to a report from John Hopkins in the August 2013 issue of BMJ Quality and Safety in Health Care, each year as many as 160,000 hospitalized patients die or suffer a serious, permanent injury because health care providers misdiagnose a condition, arrive late at a diagnosis, or miss the problem completely.

Doctors are often rushed and can make mistakes. Ways to avoid a misdiagnosis include: make doctor’s appointments earlier to get the time and attention you need with your physician, come prepared with a list of health complaints or symptoms, bring someone with you who can ask questions, insist on a diagnosis and then go get a second opinion.

Second opinions save lives and good doctors want you to get a second opinion. It will either confirm their diagnosis or find something they might have missed.

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