

Emphysema is a lung disease that causes shortness of breath and belongs to a group of lung diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD.

Emphysema involves damage to the inner walls of the alveoli, the air sacs in the lungs. The alveoli are located in clusters at the end of the bronchial tubes, deep in the lungs. As you inhale, the alveoli expand, bringing in oxygen to transport in your blood. When you exhale, the alveoli contract, forcing carbon dioxide out.

As emphysema develops, the alveoli & lung tissue are damaged causing the bronchial tubes to collapse causing a blockage or obstruction, trapping air in the lungs. So when people with emphysema breathe, there is no room for oxygen to enter, causing shortness of breath, coughing fits, tightness in the chest, or wheezing.

It is most common in men, ages 50 to 70 and is caused by long term exposure to smoking, air pollution, or chemical fumes, it is rarely genetically inherited.

There are many doctors online that can diagnose emphysema with radiological imaging, bloodwork, & lung function tests.  Although there is no cure, there are medications, breathing therapies, & surgeries that online doctors can recommend.

If you have emphysema or would like more information and receive a second opinion on your diagnosis & treatment plan, please visit us at www.secondopinions.com, for your peace of mind.