Doctors Can Learn From Their Mistakes


Most of us know in order to succeed we have to fail every now and then. The same goes for doctors who make medical mistakes. But in these cases the consequences can be the difference between life and death.

Dr. Brian Goldman is an emergency room doctor in Canada. He believes doctors need to talk more about their mistakes in order to learn from them. Goldman is a best-selling author and host of CBC Radio’s White Coat.

According to a study conducted 10 years ago, 9,000 to 23,000 Canadians die each year because of medical errors. The numbers are worse in the United States with 40,000 to 80,000 die each year from diagnostic errors, obstetric mistakes or improperly delivering medications.

Goldman believes the numbers can be lowered if doctors were not ashamed to talk about the mistakes or worried about retribution from colleagues. More transparency and discussion about what went wrong can save lives, according to Goldman.

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