Breath Test May Spot Lung Cancer


Lung cancer is the top cancer killer in the United States. A new device may revolutionize the screening process for lung cancer as well as diagnosis. And we know screening can substantially impact survival.

Researchers have developed a breathalyzer that can be used to determine if someone has lung cancer and how bad the cancer is according to study author Dr. Nir Peled, an oncologist with the Davidoff Cancer Center in Israel.

The device worked in four out of five cases as reported recently at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago.

For years, researchers have been investigating ways to detect lung cancer from a person’s breath because tumors produce a certain scent. In fact dogs have been trained to sniff it out.

A lung cancer breathalyzer could provide a low-cost first step to weed out people who definitely don’t have lung cancer, potentially lowering the overall cost of lung cancer screening, Patel said. The device could prove valuable in helping determine patients who need more intensive screening for lung cancer.

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