October Newsletter Breast Cancer Awareness




Second Opinions for cancer scans, diagnosis and suggested surgery can offer Peace of Mind

I think we can all agree, this Month’s banner says it all!  No one wants to deal with it but we all need to be aware!  Breast cancer is the number one cancer that causes death in women.  Men are not completely exempt from developing breast cancer .  Although less than 1% of all breast cancer cases develop in men, that is enough to consider a risk.  What’s more, the mortality rate for men diagnosed with breast cancer is much higher than in women.  Research indicates that lifestyle and reproductive factors play a huge part in risk factors.  In fact there is a lower incidence of breast cancer among women in less developed countries.  

Risk factors to consider:

Being a woman – simply, women are at higher risk for breast cancer

Age – Women over 50 are at a higher risk for developing breast cancer

Family History – Higher incidence of breast cancer in your genes will increase your own risk

Ethnicity – White women have a slightly higher risk for developing breast cancer

Weight – overweight women tend to be at a higher risk for breast cancer

Pregnancy/breast feeding – Women who have had children or breast fed, are at higher risk

There are number of environmental and lifestyle factors that can affect each individual’s potential risk factors. Read more about Cancer risk factors and how they may affect you:


Even if you or a family member are not dealing directly with a potential Breast cancer diagnosis, treatment or recovery, you can get involved!

Pink Week is a week of events aimed at raising funds and awareness for Breast Cancer charities.  Join a run or walk for awareness or sponsor someone else who is!

If fundraising just doesn’t show your commitment enough check this out:


Many City, State and county programs are getting involved by offering free Mammograms.  Don’t wait!  Get checked out!

Local Programs near Second Opinions Headquarters!


To learn about resources local to you check out the Susan Komen page which gives you tons of resources: http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/Mammography.html

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Second Opinions provides Second Opinions from American Board Certified doctors in the United States for Every specialty. Receive a Second Opinion Consultation via phone or video, have your medical files reviewed or submit specific questions and receive a report from one of our Specialists. Second Opinions give you a peace of mind by offering an unbiased second opinion on your diagnosis or medical condition treatment plan.