Brain Tumor


A brain tumor can be very dangerous and life-threatening if not treated. There are more than 200,000 cases per year in the US. If you have a family history of tumors you may have a more likely chance to get one yourself. Tumors often require many lab tests or imaging. Treatment from a medical professional is highly recommended. This can last several months or years. If you’re experiencing any of the following below please see a medical professional.

  • Headache
  • Weakness in the limbs, face, or one side of the body
  • Impaired coordination
  • Difficulty while walking
  • Difficulty in routine activities like reading and talking
  • Noticeable changes in senses like taste and smell
  • Bladder control problems
  • Changes in mood, personality, or behavior
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Memory loss

Some of the common procedures for a tumor are Neurological examination, Biopsy, CT scan, EEG, PET scan, and MRI. Chemotherapy can kill the cancer-causing cells. Radiation therapy is also highly recommended. If the pain has increased you might want a medical second opinion as this can be life-threatening.