As seen in USA Today: The Clock on Kevin Durant’s Recovery Has Officially Begun


It is always necessary to get a second opinion, especially when surgery is recommended. The article below was featured in USA Today and below the article is commentary from Dr. Phil McDonald, Chief Sports Radiologist for and TV Medical Analyst.

The Oklahoma City Thunder announced Thursday that their star and reigning NBA MVP had successful surgery on his fractured right foot.

Durant will be re-evaluated in six weeks, at which point the Thunder will already be 16 games into the regular season.

Durant, his representatives and Thunder medical personnel spent recent days deliberating whether or not to have surgery. The procedure, which took place with Thunder medical personnel present, was performed at the OrthoCarolina Foot and Ankle Clinic in Charlotte, N.C. by Dr. Robert Anderson.

But because the Jones fracture from which Durant suffers so often leads to complicated recoveries, it remains unclear when Durant may return to the floor again. Some players, such as the Brooklyn Nets’ Brook Lopez, the Los Angeles Clippers’ Glen Davis and others, have had to have subsequent surgeries to fully repair the fracture. The Thunder’s hope, of course, is that he’s back before the holidays arrive and that the Thunder are able to remain among the Western Conference’s elite even without him.

Dr. McDonald’s commentary:
” The Road to Recovery” By Dr. Phil McDonald, Chief Sports Radiologist for and TV Medical Analyst

It is very important to get a second opinion about a Jones fracture as treatment may vary given the location of the fracture as well as the type of activity a patient may be involved in, such as a professional athlete versus a weekend warrior. Professional athletes mostly opt for surgical intervention in which a screw is involved with aiding the union of the fracture fragments.

It is also key to get a second opinion when following up treatment of a Jones fractures, whether It has been surgically repaired or managed conservatively. It is imperative for the patient to know when to resume activity to prevent further complications and surgery.

You might be surprised to learn that medical errors are now considered to be the third leading cause of death. More specifically, diagnostic errors are the most common, most expensive and deadliest of all medical errors. Although the Jones fracture is not a life-threatening injury, it is important to get a second opinion as it may be a very debilitating and frustrating injury to recover from.

If you have been diagnosed with a Jones fracture or you are a physician wanting a second opinion for your patient, please don’t hesitate to contact and get a second opinion from me or one of our other board certified expert doctors trained at the Top American Medical institutions.

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