Is there something hidden in Irish Blood?


It’s St. Patrick’s Day!  A day those of Irish descent honor their heritage with green beer, corned beef and cabbage and an Irish jig or two. But did you know there is an ancient blood disease that still affects those of Irish descent?

It’s called hemochromatosis and also known as “The Celtic Curse.” The disease deposits iron in the heart, joints, liver, pancreas and pituitary gland and is said to “rust” the insides of the body, according to the American Hemochromatosis Society. This Society is based in Delray Beach, Florida and takes advantage of St. Patrick’s Day to let those with Irish Blood know about the disease.

While no one is immune to this blood disorder, those with Irish, Scottish or British heritage have a significantly higher chance of carrying the gene mutation that may cause them to develop the potentially deadly disorder.

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