Second Opinions April 2017 Newsletter


Happy Spring and spring Holidays from Second Opinions!  Last year Elli Yuz, our COO shared her personal story of why she and her husband started Second Opinions.  Read it here

Second Opinions is presenting the National Institute of Health’s Awareness campaigns this year in an effort to highlight important health related issues to our customers.  Last month we talked about Colo-rectal cancer.  This month we are talking about the impact of alcohol consumption.

Remember Alcohol consumption has an impact on your health.  Drinking alcohol alters your mood, reaction time and balance.  Regular alcohol consumption can increase your risk of developing many diseases as well as accelerate aging in your liver and other organs.  Moderation is key to alcohol consumption.  Too much of anything isn’t good for you but too much alcohol can put you and others in deadly situations.  Excessive drinking can lead to dependence and can worsen existing conditions.  By raising awareness in the health community, we can all benefit.

Our recent holiday with a pastime of drinking large amounts is a good time to remember to use alcohol responsibly especially when you go out and are in big groups.  Tow and cab companies always offer free rides and tows for you on these holidays, be sure to plan ahead when you go out.

If you are drinking too much, you can improve your health by cutting back or quitting.

Here are some strategies to help you cut back or stop drinking:

  • Limit your drinking to no more than 1 drink a day for women or 2 drinks a day for men.
  • Keep track of how much you drink.
  • Don’t drink when you are upset.
  • Avoid places where people drink a lot.
  • Make a list of reasons not to drink.

For more information

Visit the forum to discuss a variety of Second Opinion topics

Don’t Forget!  We are at ATA this month! 

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Second Opinions provides Second Opinions from American Board Certified doctors in the United States for Every specialty. Receive a Second Opinion Consultation via phone or video, have your medical files reviewed or submit specific questions and receive a report from one of our Specialists. Second Opinions give you a peace of mind by offering an unbiased second opinion on your diagnosis or medical condition treatment plan.