Prostate Cancer Symptoms


Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer that American men suffer from today. With an estimated one in seven men expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, it is important that men of all ages familiarize themselves with the symptoms so that it can be detected and treated as early as possible.

The Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
The early signs of prostate cancer can be difficult to detect, and are often attributed to other lifestyle changes or habits. If a patient is suffering from any of the below issues, they may be suffering from early stages of prostate cancer:

  1. A Change in Your Bladder Habits and Urination

This includes needing to urinate more frequently (often at night) and more urgently. Having difficulty in starting or stopping your flow of urine, or a complete inability to urinate, can also be a symptom. A burning sensation or pain while urinating should also be checked by a medical professional.

  1. Blood in Urine or Semen

Though often due to a physical injury and other medical issues, any time there is blood in one’s urine or semen indicates a potential serious internal health issue.

  1. Painful Ejaculation

Pain when ejaculating is not normal and requires medical attention.

Later Signs and Symptoms

Men suffering from prostate cancer in the later stages may experience:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue and loss of energy
  • Weakness or numb sensations in the legs or feet
  • Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
  • Low red blood cell count
  • Pain in their bones (particularly one’s hips, thighs, back or neck)

When to Seek Medical Treatment

Patients should make an appointment with his or her doctor as soon as they have any signs or symptoms that may be a cause for concern. Though prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, the majority of men suffering from prostate cancer will not die from this disease. When treated early, the majority of American men experience positive outcomes to treatment.

Your physician will likely recommend tests after:

  • Symptoms of prostate cancer are present
  • Your doctor has spoken to you about your health and performed a complete physical exam
  • A test suggests that there may be a problem with a man’s prostate

Once the initial exam and testing has been completed, your doctor will likely perform other tests to determine how far the cancer has progressed (this is called “staging”) and then develop a treatment plan for you.

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