Florida Lawmakers Talking Telemedicine


Obviously telemedicine and teleradiology are near and dear to our hearts. That’s because we truly believe in the numerous benefits of providing telemedicine to people all over the world. If you’re not exactly sure what telemedicine means it’s simply medical services provided without a doctor physically present.

Telemedicine is the focus of talks among Florida lawmakers this week. Legislators are meeting to consider creating statewide standards for telemedicine. The goal is to establish reimbursement requirements as well as a system for registering out-of-state telemedicine providers in Florida. Lawmakers are hoping to set up a method of regulating health care professionals to conduct telemedicine consults in every state.

It’s good news because many Floridians have said they like the idea of using technology for healthcare concerns. But the roadblock has been with insurance reimbursement. The Senate bill indicates Medicaid will cover telemedicine. Lawmakers are hoping that move will get private insurers to reconsider their lack of coverage.

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