Dr. Oz Says Always Get a Second Opinion


Did you know Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiac surgeon at Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital and host of The Dr. Oz Show is a big believer in second opinions. He says research indicates getting a second opinion results in a new diagnosis in 30% of cases.

If you’re worried your doctor won’t approve of you getting a second opinion because it seems like you don’t trust him, Dr. Oz says that’s simply not the case. He believes it’s “second nature” for good physicians to want a patient to get a second opinion. “You’re giving the doctor a chance to have his/her work checked by another qualified physician.”

The consulting doctor might completely agree with your doctor’s diagnosis, could agree on some points but not others, or could have a completely different diagnosis. In any case, Dr. Oz says your doctor should thank for you checking up on him/her.

At SecondOpinions.com, we make it easy for anyone in the world to obtain a second opinion from U.S. trained, board certified specialists and sub subspecialists.  Patients simply upload MRI, CT, X-Ray, Mammogram, Ultrasound or Nuclear Medicine scans and experts study your images and provide you with their advanced second opinion.

There are no appointments necessary. No spending hours waiting in a doctor’s office. Our expert physicians are available 24/7/365 to anyone across the globe.

The price ranges from $29.00 -$99.00. Reports are received within as quickly as an hour. In addition, patients can receive a medical consultation by phone or video chat from our specialists and subspecialists for as low as $49.

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