Experts Urge Second Opinions/Avoid Unnecessary Surgeries


You’re not going to believe the statistics regarding unnecessary surgeries taking place in the United States today. And get ready for this – the reason for so many of these unnecessary or inappropriate procedures – physician preference, according to researchers!

A recent USA TODAY report reviewed government records and medical databases and found unnecessary surgeries might account for 10% to 20% of all operations in some specialties. The most common specialties affected are cardiac and spinal procedures.

A 2011 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found 22.5% of patients who received a pacemaker-like device to correct heartbeat irregularities, did not need it.

Another 2011 study, in the journal Surgical Neurology International, revealed more than 17% of patients who had surgery for neck and back problems had no neurological or radiographic findings to indicate an operation was necessary.

Other surgical procedures performed more often than needed are knee replacements, hysterectomies, and cesarean sections, according to a review of in-depth studies and data generated by both government and academic sources.

Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies spend billions of dollars on unnecessary operations each year, draining health care dollars that could be put to better use.

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