Monthly Archives: July 2020

High blood pressure


High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease or stroke. Some risk factors include obesity, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, or family history. Most people with high blood pressure will not experience any symptoms, which is why people often call hypertension the “silent killer.” Once blood pressure reaches about 180/120 mm Hg, it becomes a hypertensive crisis, which is a medical emergency. Some symptoms of a hypertensive crisis include: a headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred or double vision, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, and breathlessness. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis contact us at for your peace of mind.



Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid that occurs when the thyroid gland produces less than the normal amount of the thyroid hormone known as thyroxine (T4). This causes the body’s system to slow down and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, feeling cold, drowsiness, weight gain due to fluid retention, constipation, increased sensitivity to many medications, dry skin, puffy face, and hair loss. Some tests used to diagnose hypothyroidism are increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones or thyrotropin through a blood test, estimates of free thyroxine (T4) that is not within normal limits in the blood, and the Anti-thyroid Microsomal Antibodies Testing which may indicate that these antibodies are present and attacking the thyroid cells because there has been thyroid damage. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis contact us at for your peace of mind.

Multiple sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, that disrupts the flow of information between the brain and the body. Some signs and symptoms include numbness and weakness in one or more limbs, electric shock sensations that occur with certain neck movements, involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, partial or complete vision loss, prolonged double vision, blurry vision, slurred speech, dizziness, fatigue, tingling or pain in parts of the body, and problems with sexual, bladder, and bowel functions. There is no cure for MS; however, there are treatments to help speed the recovery from attacks of the nerves. There are many different options for treatment whether it be through injections or oral medication that decrease the frequency of relapses and to delay disease progression. Research has shown that Multiple Sclerosis does more damage in the first year than in later years. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis contact us at for your peace of mind.

Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery


There are many different types of Bariatric Surgery, some more invasive than others. When looking into Bariatric Surgery you should consult with, not only, your Primary Care Physician, but also a qualified Bariatric surgeon.

You should discuss the many different types of surgeries from Gastric Bypass, Gastric Banding, Gastric Sleeve, Duodenal Switch, Revisional Surgery, & Gastric Balloon.

Not only must you educate yourself on the different types of surgeries, you need to know if you’re a candidate for surgery, if you’ll have food restrictions, if there will be hormonal changes, the side effects of the different types of surgeries, what support systems are available to you, what medications or nutrition supplements you will have to take, amongst many other lifestyle changes that come with this life altering surgery.

This is a very important decision in your life and you should always seek a second opinion on life altering surgeries, even if only for your own piece of mind.

At, you can receive a second opinion in the matter of a couple days from a board certified physician.

Simply create your account, upload your medical records & images, and ask any questions you many have. In a few days, you’ll have a second opinion to help you make this life changing choice.

Thyroid cancer


Thyroid cancer develops when the cells of the thyroid gland mutate and change. The thyroid gland is located in the lower front of the neck, above the collarbones and below the voice box (larynx). There are four types of thyroid cancer: papillary, medullary, anaplastic, and follicular. The most common types of thyroid cancer are papillary and follicular. 70-80% of all thyroid cancer cases are papillary with a great chance for a full recovery. Possible causes of thyroid cancer could be inherited genetically, iodine deficiency, and radiation exposure as a child. Some symptoms may include neck or throat pain, a lump in your neck, difficulty swallowing, vocal changes or hoarseness, and persistent cough. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis contact us at for your peace of mind.



There are many cases with a missed diagnosis of fractures. There are many types of fractures and it is highly recommended that you take the proper precautions and treatment needed in order to avoid any further complications or injuries. If you still feel pain, or second guess the advice given, take that seriously and be cautious and get a second opinion. A fracture left untreated can cause pain and complications. A fracture should be put in a cast. If not, the bone will reunite, but the bone will be out of alignment, causing pain and reduced function which is called malunion. In order for the bone to heal properly the bone will have to be surgically re-broken and handled correctly that time around. If your still having pain get a second opinion from for your peace of mind.

Legally Blind


According to the CDC, more than 4.2 million Americans over the age of 40 are considered either legally blind or of extremely low vision. With such poor level of eye sight, a person with normal vision could see an object 200 feet away that a person with low vision or who is legally blind would have to be no further than 20 feet from.

Most of a person’s fine detailed vision is in the center of their visual field. An activity that require this ability includes reading. Macular degeneration is a leading cause of this inability, and is estimated to affect more than 10 million Americans. In an era when eye glasses are common and even fashionable, it can easy to overlook the fact that some eye damaged is irreparable.

Other vision impairments can include:

  • Tunnel Vision
  • Blind Spots
  • Partial Vision
  • Total Blindness

You only have one pair of eyes for your entire life. It is critical that eye sight is properly evaluated and diagnosed before limited vision becomes permanent. Speak to an expert at for peace of mind in minutes.


Celiac Disease


Gluten Can Kill You

Nowadays, many of us have heard of and perhaps have even tried the “Gluten Free” diet. Gluten is a substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. While some avoid it for dietary reasons, others must avoid it for their safety.

Gluten is a mixture of two proteins that cause tremendous illness in people with celiac disease. Patients with celiac disease can go years without knowing that eating simple foods such as pasta or others with grain can dangerously inflame their small intestine, causing immune system reactions that often cause diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia, and can lead to serious complications.

Unfortunately, for those who do not become diagnosed, Celiac Disease can wreck havoc on the body and without diagnosis and treatment, celiac disease is ultimately fatal in 10 to 30% of people. Misdiagnosis is serious and dangerous. Do not wait to obtain a medical Second Opinion today.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that involves the large intestine. Signs and symptoms can include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS is a chronic condition that needs to be managed long term. People with IBS can control the symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle, and stress; more-severe symptoms can be treated with medication and counseling. Daily life is greatly influenced by the way the digestive system behaves. A flare-up of symptoms can mean hours of misery. If you would like a second opinion on your treatment and diagnosis contact us at for your peace of mind.