Monthly Archives: April 2020

National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month


April is National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, a rare multisystem disease. The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown.Sarcoidosis is a disease characterized by the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in any part of your body, most commonly the lungs and lymph nodes. But it can also affect the eyes, skin, heart and other organs. Even though its unknown experts think it results from the body’s immune system responding to an unknown substance. Sarcoidosis affects the lungs and may cause lung problems that seem to mimic the Covid-19 virus.

The symptoms include:
· Shortness of breath
· Sore Throat
· Cough
· Sneezing

All of these are signs of the Corona Virus and as well as many other Viruses.So, for this reason it gives great relief to know that we can get a medical second opinion to ensure the diagnosis we receive is the correct.

World Health Day


World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated annually on the 7 th of April. Since 1950 this celebration has been aimed at creating awareness of specific health themes to highlight areas of concern for the World Health Organization (WHO).

This year in light of current events this World Health Day will be celebrated by honoring the nurses, midwives and healthcare workers at the front-lines of the COVID-19 response, putting their own health at risk to protect the broader community.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other global emergencies show us once again the heroic efforts health workers on the front lines make every day to keep their communities—and the world— safe and healthy Nurses, midwives and healthcare workers are the cornerstones of strong, resilient health systems. Show these individual’s your appreciation for their heroic work and thank them for what they do today and everyday to keep us healthy.

Thank you from

Von Willebrand Disease


By Felicia Buibas

March was bleeding disorders awareness month. Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is the most common type of bleeding disorder; it affects an estimate of one percent of the world’s population. Most symptoms can be mild; therefore, many affected people have not been diagnosed or do not get diagnosed until later on in life. There are five classifications of VWD: VWD type 1, VWD type 2, VWD type 3, pseudo-VWD, and acquired. VWD was discovered by a Finnish doctor, Erik von Willebrand. He was the first to characterize VWD that he found in families on the Aland Islands. He could not identify the actual cause for this bleeding disorder, but he was able to distinguish it from other bleeding disorders.

National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month


March is National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. These are common but most often critical bleeding disorders. Blood defects can affect your overall health. The blood needs all of its proteins to operate correctly so that way the blood can generate blood clots strong enough to avoid any bleeding due to an injury of some sort. When the protein or platelets are deficient your body will not be able to properly go through the steps of clotting causing you to bleed much longer. There are many types of blood disorders that affect all different blood types.

Below are the most common blood disorders :

Anemia – A deficiency of red blood cells, resulting in fatigue.

Hemophilia – An inability to create effective blood clots, causing excessive bleeding.

Leukemia – A condition in which blood-forming organs suppress the production of normal blood cells.

Lymphoma – Cancer affecting the white blood cells, which limits the body’s ability to fight disease or

Myeloma – A cancer of the plasma cells in bone marrow, which limits the body’s ability to produce

There are a few warning signs for these blood disorders. Knowing these signs and red flags are very important. Some of the signs of a blood disorder are unexplained and frequent bleeding from an injury, delicate skin that can cause bruising with the slightest cause. Pain is also very common, along with swelling or tightness in the joints. Often blood is found present in the urine or stools and most women usually will have a heavy cycle. Another common sign is current nosebleeds without an accurate reason as to why.

In order to sufficiently treat bleeding disorders, the patient will usually have to give a blood sample and do testing. It is important to stay on top of your health and make sure you do not have any of these symptoms as most of these cases can be severe or life-threatening.