Monthly Archives: July 2015

New Study Finds Stroke Ages Brain by Margin of 8 Years


Based on the findings of a new study, it has been found that a stroke has the ability of tacking on 8 years on the brain, causing distortion of memory and slowing overall thinking speed. The study was carried out by researchers from the University of Michigan. The researchers examined and analyzed national data from over 4,900 African-American and Caucasian Americans who were aged 65 and older; in addition to undergoing a number of memory tests and thinking speed tests between 1998 and 2012. Continue reading

New Cholesterol Drug Examined by FDA


A new drug could significantly cut bad LDL cholesterol levels down to size. This new potent drug may be soon available as it goes under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This new brand of cholesterol medication is known as PCSK9 inhibitors. Recently, and FDA advisory panel suggested that both new drugs alirocumab (Praluent) and evolocumab (Repatha) be approved. And while the FDA usually adheres to the suggestion(s) of its advisory panels, it will determine whether to give the green light to both new drugs sometime this summer. Continue reading

Molecule that Hastens Tissue Regeneration Following Bone Marrow Transplants Discovered


A new discovery of a molecule that could serve as a key factor in accelerating cell recovery after bone marrow transplants, in addition to liver disease, and colon disease has recently been discovered. Such a discovery came at the hands of a joint investigation comprised of UT Southwestern, Case Western Reserve, and the University of Kentucky. The study was published in the journal Science Continue reading